Good day my fellow Awakened Souls. Forces bent on keeping the masses asleep and caught up in the daily chaos of divisiveness between our fellow beings are continuing to wreak havoc all over the world(s). Your mission (should you decide to accept it) is to switch on your internal light and awaken to a clear understanding of who and what you are, Soul. You are then given the important task of helping to inform as many un-awakened Souls as possible to their true identity and assist them in turning on their Spiritual lights. In doing so, we will be able to help each other radiate the fullness of God’s love throughout the entire world. This is a crucial yet achievable goal; each one teach one (or more). Its potential impact is exponential. With enough awakened Souls involved in the process we can quickly and most assuredly reach critical mass, and change our future for the better. Of course, if any members of this awakening force should choose not to flip their switch, free will certainly dictates that this is their choice. However, be aware that this sleep state will cause you to perpetuate a victim mentality, thereby succumbing to those energies that want nothing more than to manipulate and exploit your vulnerable state of consciousness to the full extent. Good luck on your mission fellow Souls, and know that you are on the winning side.
We are all at a very crucial juncture in our existence. It is now time for all of us who have turned on our lights and come into a conscious realization that we are Divine beings; that we are sparks of God consciousness to help others come into the same level of understanding within themselves. Now is the time for each of us to pay it forward; to open our hearts and yes, our mouths, and communicate to those who will hear us that it is time to build a critical mass of enlightened consciousness. It is time to now step up and help others switch the light on as to their true identity so as to begin to radiate vital love energy throughout the world.
This is a world movement afoot, and the Awaken to One Alliance is going to be doing its part to ratchet things up quite a bit in the coming weeks and months. Understand, the term “Awaken to One” is a verb. It is a call to action for enlightened Souls to realize their true identity and true potential, and help others to do the same. We no longer have the luxury of keeping these truths to ourselves. We must speak up and act. We must let our voices be heard. We must live the Divinity that is all of us. We must become walking beacons of Divine love. Our energy has great power and meaning. Our love force can instantly affect change. But there are not enough of us out there yet doing their part. There is indeed a growing consensus of purpose, but much more needs to be done. We need to do more than talk the talk; we must now walk the walk. We must step up and speak within the framework of our true Divine nature. Its time to start shaking things up a bit; no more status-quo thinking and acting. Martin Luther King once stated so eloquently “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but it comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent.” Now is the year of living Spiritually. Now is the time for all of us who have come into a clear and conscious understanding of who and what we are to share these truths with others. It can happen, but you must do your part.
As mentioned before, in the coming weeks and months, the Awaken to One Alliance will be launching a new website that will serve as an important catalyst for a new and focused Spiritual grassroots movement. This movement’s mission is nothing less than serving as a major catalyst for Divine awakening for all who are willing to take the journey. With this awakening of Soul will come an equally important revelation, that we are One; that we are all connected. With this recognition it is strongly felt that a new understanding of love and compassion for our fellow man will emerge. A clear understanding will evolve that if I hurt you, I hurt myself. We are One.
This new website which will be revealed to everyone very, very soon and will provide a myriad of diverse information we believe to be essential in helping individuals learn and discover important aspects of themselves as Soul (so stay tuned). It will, in many ways, become a repository of information already out there in the ethers, but often difficult to access for those who are unsure where to look. It will provide diverse opinions and perspectives on Spirituality from many, many relevant voices; all with a unique insight into aspects of Spirituality. It will provide information essential to the development and expansion of Soul awareness. The Awaken to One website will also serve as a virtual community for the sharing of diverse opinion, dialogue and discussion. No one person or belief system has all the answers, and it is from the context of putting the puzzle pieces together to gain a greater perspective of what is going on that we will be striving for. We will try and help you connect the dots of what you need to know and what you need to do. This is in no way a religion or religious movement. It is in its basic terms, a Spiritual awakening.
With that said, Awaken to One cannot do it alone, nor should we. We need your help to make this happen. We need your input; we need your talent. We need your voice. If you are a writer, blogger, poet, musician, artist, or just someone who wants to lend their energy, effort and support to this important project, we need your help and will be more than happy to provide you with a forum on the Awaken to One website to have your voice expressed. This new site will be a growing and dynamic project and process, which is already developing and expanding very quickly. The Awaken to One Alliance takes the word Alliance very seriously. We need you as an ally. If you would like more information or have questions on how you can participate, please send an e-mail to awakento1@gmail.com with your questions and comments.
This awakening cannot occur in a vacuum. Its success is solely conditioned on your help and energy. But as single drops of water can eventually grow into a rolling sea, so too can this movement (already in progress) become an ocean of love for all to connect with. As those contest promoters always say, “You can’t win if you don’t enter.” Get off the sidelines, become a participant. It’s what you were created by Source to do anyway. I send you love as Soul, and I look forward to hearing from you all.
This is a world movement afoot, and the Awaken to One Alliance is going to be doing its part to ratchet things up quite a bit in the coming weeks and months. Understand, the term “Awaken to One” is a verb. It is a call to action for enlightened Souls to realize their true identity and true potential, and help others to do the same. We no longer have the luxury of keeping these truths to ourselves. We must speak up and act. We must let our voices be heard. We must live the Divinity that is all of us. We must become walking beacons of Divine love. Our energy has great power and meaning. Our love force can instantly affect change. But there are not enough of us out there yet doing their part. There is indeed a growing consensus of purpose, but much more needs to be done. We need to do more than talk the talk; we must now walk the walk. We must step up and speak within the framework of our true Divine nature. Its time to start shaking things up a bit; no more status-quo thinking and acting. Martin Luther King once stated so eloquently “Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but it comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can’t ride you unless your back is bent.” Now is the year of living Spiritually. Now is the time for all of us who have come into a clear and conscious understanding of who and what we are to share these truths with others. It can happen, but you must do your part.
As mentioned before, in the coming weeks and months, the Awaken to One Alliance will be launching a new website that will serve as an important catalyst for a new and focused Spiritual grassroots movement. This movement’s mission is nothing less than serving as a major catalyst for Divine awakening for all who are willing to take the journey. With this awakening of Soul will come an equally important revelation, that we are One; that we are all connected. With this recognition it is strongly felt that a new understanding of love and compassion for our fellow man will emerge. A clear understanding will evolve that if I hurt you, I hurt myself. We are One.
This new website which will be revealed to everyone very, very soon and will provide a myriad of diverse information we believe to be essential in helping individuals learn and discover important aspects of themselves as Soul (so stay tuned). It will, in many ways, become a repository of information already out there in the ethers, but often difficult to access for those who are unsure where to look. It will provide diverse opinions and perspectives on Spirituality from many, many relevant voices; all with a unique insight into aspects of Spirituality. It will provide information essential to the development and expansion of Soul awareness. The Awaken to One website will also serve as a virtual community for the sharing of diverse opinion, dialogue and discussion. No one person or belief system has all the answers, and it is from the context of putting the puzzle pieces together to gain a greater perspective of what is going on that we will be striving for. We will try and help you connect the dots of what you need to know and what you need to do. This is in no way a religion or religious movement. It is in its basic terms, a Spiritual awakening.
With that said, Awaken to One cannot do it alone, nor should we. We need your help to make this happen. We need your input; we need your talent. We need your voice. If you are a writer, blogger, poet, musician, artist, or just someone who wants to lend their energy, effort and support to this important project, we need your help and will be more than happy to provide you with a forum on the Awaken to One website to have your voice expressed. This new site will be a growing and dynamic project and process, which is already developing and expanding very quickly. The Awaken to One Alliance takes the word Alliance very seriously. We need you as an ally. If you would like more information or have questions on how you can participate, please send an e-mail to awakento1@gmail.com with your questions and comments.
This awakening cannot occur in a vacuum. Its success is solely conditioned on your help and energy. But as single drops of water can eventually grow into a rolling sea, so too can this movement (already in progress) become an ocean of love for all to connect with. As those contest promoters always say, “You can’t win if you don’t enter.” Get off the sidelines, become a participant. It’s what you were created by Source to do anyway. I send you love as Soul, and I look forward to hearing from you all.
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