We are at a very momentous and important period in our planet’s history and existence. An awakening of consciousness is taking place all around the world today, as we are collectively beginning to understand and realize who and what we truly are, and our literal connection to one another and the universe. With every passing day the illusions of limitation, divisiveness and separation are falling away. Even with the constant bombardment of negativity and ongoing attempts at polarization through fear and intimidation from forces that would try to keep this wave of spiritual energy at bay, the shift is occurring. The light is here to stay.
What is this shift? It is an awakening to our true identity. It is the light being switched on in each and every one of us to the conscious understanding of who and what we truly are. We are Soul, a divine spark of All That Is. We are eternal; we have always existed and we will always be. We inhabit a body, but this body is not who and what we are; it is merely a vehicle that we have been given to have mobility and experience on this physical plane of existence. We have been here many times before, in many different incarnations over millennia and have gained exceptional insights through our collective experience. We are the sum total of all of our experiences. This shift occurring is the lifting of the veil of what could be called spiritual amnesia, placed over each and every one of us so as to gain experience in lower world existence.
The shift is in fact a multi-dimensional transition, an increase in the vibratory rate of current existence from 3rd density into 4th (and for some, 5th) density reality. This rise in our vibrational level brings with it an inevitable trigger of awakened consciousness and enlightenment for all who accept the change. I say “accept” because free will dictates that this transition is one of choice. We must all individually and collectively make a knowing choice as to whether or not we will embrace the love inherent in Divine enlightenment or continue to accept the status-quo consciousness of divisiveness, fear and the limited dense and negatively charged polarity that has plagued us for so long.
What I am talking about here are polarities of energy. Understand that everything is energy. When we break down our fundamental state of existence to the quantum level, it is all energy; it is all consciousness. These energies come in unlimited vibratory rates; polarities. We have for quite some time now lived in a crude and dense 3rd dimensional energy center. Within 3rd density, there are some forms of consciousness that have chosen to thrive here. Rather than embrace the light, they prefer this denser, more negatively charged form of energy and consciousness. It is for this reason that I say you have a choice. To embrace the dense, negative polarity means to reject the enlightenment that Spiritual evolution into 4th and higher density reality brings. Inevitably all will flow back to Source, but spiritual free will mandates that this occur only when Soul is ready.
So how do we accept this shift? We do so simply by embracing the love that is inherent in each and every one of us. It is the Divine seed placed in all of us from the moment of our beginning. We are divine sparks of the Creator, endowed with all of the qualities therein. We are the microcosm of the macrocosm. The driving force behind our very existence is one based on love. As we embrace this divine energy and realize the oneness between us and all that exists, enlightenment becomes inevitable. We should also ask for help and guidance within. However you choose to express your higher power, ask for inner assistance and guidance in helping you move forward, both inwardly and outwardly in the process of conscious enlightenment. Answers will come to you. Connections will be made through both inner and outer channels as well as synchronicity with like-minded Souls ready to engage in spiritual dialogue and discourse. Be ready for these opportunities when they are presented to you.
As this rise in vibrational reality occurs, it will be important to monitor your thoughts. Remember, thoughts are things. Thoughts have the ability to think, and their primary mission is to manifest what you project. So mental discipline will become even more important as we make this transition, because our ability to manifest and out-picture the things in our lives (whether we are consciously aware or not) will occur with much greater speed and proficiency. As such, our choice to embrace the love and reject the fear becomes ever more important, because you ultimately reap what you sow.
As we evolve spiritually during this shift, one very important aspect of this enlightenment process is the realization that all that you have ever needed to know has always been with you. You begin to discover that your task has not been to learn anything, but merely to remember what you already know. All truth is within you now. Your task of enlightenment is to awaken to it and bring it all back into conscious recognition and action. To coin a phrase from the movie DUNE, “The sleeper must awaken.” The shift becomes a change in perspective, perception and awareness, for it is all about expanding consciousness.
We are all in the midst of a spiritual evolution. Within this shift will come a change in behavior from divisiveness to connectedness and oneness. We know we can no longer continue to do the same things we’ve been doing to our world and each other, and expect different outcomes. This is absolute insanity. We all, each and every one of us, have a choice to make. Do we accept this change occurring within each of us or do we fall victim to the status quo traps built into the illusion of negativity and fear? I urge you to accept the love. It starts with one person. That person shares their truth with another, and then another. The sparks are lit, and eventually the love changes from a spark to a wildfire and becomes a spiritual movement. It is already happening. This movement is already taking place worldwide. It is not a hierarchical movement, but one based on a recognition of oneness with all people and an urgent need to love and help each other, and save the planet and its resources. We can no longer be spectators in our evolution. We must now be full participants in this process. It starts with a conscious shift within, a conscious choice to uplift and change. This is not a religious movement, it is a spiritual awakening. It transcends all theologies and belief systems. It is a direct reconnection with Source. Make the choice, embrace the love, become the shift.
What is this shift? It is an awakening to our true identity. It is the light being switched on in each and every one of us to the conscious understanding of who and what we truly are. We are Soul, a divine spark of All That Is. We are eternal; we have always existed and we will always be. We inhabit a body, but this body is not who and what we are; it is merely a vehicle that we have been given to have mobility and experience on this physical plane of existence. We have been here many times before, in many different incarnations over millennia and have gained exceptional insights through our collective experience. We are the sum total of all of our experiences. This shift occurring is the lifting of the veil of what could be called spiritual amnesia, placed over each and every one of us so as to gain experience in lower world existence.
The shift is in fact a multi-dimensional transition, an increase in the vibratory rate of current existence from 3rd density into 4th (and for some, 5th) density reality. This rise in our vibrational level brings with it an inevitable trigger of awakened consciousness and enlightenment for all who accept the change. I say “accept” because free will dictates that this transition is one of choice. We must all individually and collectively make a knowing choice as to whether or not we will embrace the love inherent in Divine enlightenment or continue to accept the status-quo consciousness of divisiveness, fear and the limited dense and negatively charged polarity that has plagued us for so long.
What I am talking about here are polarities of energy. Understand that everything is energy. When we break down our fundamental state of existence to the quantum level, it is all energy; it is all consciousness. These energies come in unlimited vibratory rates; polarities. We have for quite some time now lived in a crude and dense 3rd dimensional energy center. Within 3rd density, there are some forms of consciousness that have chosen to thrive here. Rather than embrace the light, they prefer this denser, more negatively charged form of energy and consciousness. It is for this reason that I say you have a choice. To embrace the dense, negative polarity means to reject the enlightenment that Spiritual evolution into 4th and higher density reality brings. Inevitably all will flow back to Source, but spiritual free will mandates that this occur only when Soul is ready.
So how do we accept this shift? We do so simply by embracing the love that is inherent in each and every one of us. It is the Divine seed placed in all of us from the moment of our beginning. We are divine sparks of the Creator, endowed with all of the qualities therein. We are the microcosm of the macrocosm. The driving force behind our very existence is one based on love. As we embrace this divine energy and realize the oneness between us and all that exists, enlightenment becomes inevitable. We should also ask for help and guidance within. However you choose to express your higher power, ask for inner assistance and guidance in helping you move forward, both inwardly and outwardly in the process of conscious enlightenment. Answers will come to you. Connections will be made through both inner and outer channels as well as synchronicity with like-minded Souls ready to engage in spiritual dialogue and discourse. Be ready for these opportunities when they are presented to you.
As this rise in vibrational reality occurs, it will be important to monitor your thoughts. Remember, thoughts are things. Thoughts have the ability to think, and their primary mission is to manifest what you project. So mental discipline will become even more important as we make this transition, because our ability to manifest and out-picture the things in our lives (whether we are consciously aware or not) will occur with much greater speed and proficiency. As such, our choice to embrace the love and reject the fear becomes ever more important, because you ultimately reap what you sow.
As we evolve spiritually during this shift, one very important aspect of this enlightenment process is the realization that all that you have ever needed to know has always been with you. You begin to discover that your task has not been to learn anything, but merely to remember what you already know. All truth is within you now. Your task of enlightenment is to awaken to it and bring it all back into conscious recognition and action. To coin a phrase from the movie DUNE, “The sleeper must awaken.” The shift becomes a change in perspective, perception and awareness, for it is all about expanding consciousness.
We are all in the midst of a spiritual evolution. Within this shift will come a change in behavior from divisiveness to connectedness and oneness. We know we can no longer continue to do the same things we’ve been doing to our world and each other, and expect different outcomes. This is absolute insanity. We all, each and every one of us, have a choice to make. Do we accept this change occurring within each of us or do we fall victim to the status quo traps built into the illusion of negativity and fear? I urge you to accept the love. It starts with one person. That person shares their truth with another, and then another. The sparks are lit, and eventually the love changes from a spark to a wildfire and becomes a spiritual movement. It is already happening. This movement is already taking place worldwide. It is not a hierarchical movement, but one based on a recognition of oneness with all people and an urgent need to love and help each other, and save the planet and its resources. We can no longer be spectators in our evolution. We must now be full participants in this process. It starts with a conscious shift within, a conscious choice to uplift and change. This is not a religious movement, it is a spiritual awakening. It transcends all theologies and belief systems. It is a direct reconnection with Source. Make the choice, embrace the love, become the shift.