I'd like to make everyone aware of a very important and worthwhile project, ONE MINUTE FOR PEACE - The 11:11 Quantum Peace Project: Creating ripples of inner peace to create planetary peace. The idea behind it is quite simple. On November 11th at 11:11 am and pm, you should devote one minute of your time to sending out concentrated love energy to the world and all of its inhabitants. Additionally, using the synchronicity of 11:11, anytime that you see this number or a combination thereof, you should devote one minute to sending out love energy in all directions. The power of such a loving act on such a mass scale should not be underestimated. There is documented evidence showing how sustained positive group energy in a particular area during designated periods have had a noticeable impact on the surrounding environment.
I love this particular project because it so directly speaks to the motivation behind Awaken to One. Understand, "Awaken to One" is a verb; a call to action. This type of activity is absolutely consistent with this sentiment. I highly encourage all of you to partake in this wonderful worldwide effort and I hope you also adopt this practice on a daily basis. The more conscious and sustained positive energy that can be generated, the greater the exponential benefit the world will receive. Please go to the One Minute For Peace Facebook Page for more information. Remember, it only takes a minute. Do your part to save the world. Namaste.