There are no greater and more important words in the human vocabulary than thank you. In whatever language it may be uttered, it is an expression of gratitude that acknowledges the appreciation for not just doing, but also for being. It is an affirmation of value. More importantly, it is an extension of God-centered energy that allows for reciprocity of kindness and affection towards our fellow Souls. The power of thank you opens the heart and helps us to know that we matter to each other. The power of thank you validates self-worth and allows for personal healing and self-love. The power of thank you is the personified love of Source in action.
On this upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, I would like to personally extend my sincere thank you to each and everyone of you who have been a part of this spiritual grassroots effort known as the Awaken to One Alliance. Many heartfelt thanks to our current blog contributors Alex Marcoux and Hunt Henion for their thoughtful discourse and love centered messages of hope and enlightenment. We look forward to their continued contributions and to future contributors that will help to expand our spiritual horizons. Sincere thank you to our current and growing Ato1 allies who continue to provide important world-related topics, moral support and continued words of encouragement. Thank you for the many amazing lightworkers who have graced our pages with important spiritual content, helpful to all who investigate. It will continue to grow. Thank you to my expanding Twitter and Facebook friends. You never cease to amaze me with you insights and diverse information. Humble thanks to my wonderful family and friends who have provided me with so much love and enthusiastic support. You’re part of my eternal spiritual tribe : )
Most importantly…thank you, the many beautiful Souls that have been following our efforts for your support and words of encouragement. It means a lot. Thank you all for all that you do and for whom you are. Thank you for doing your part to make this world a better place. Thank you for recognizing that you are a part of the whole and for continuing to awaken to your true purpose with every passing day. As we grow, we will continue to provide you with thoughtful, thought provoking dialogue and spiritual insights to ponder and consider. But for now, I send you love and humbly wish you all a wonderful and heartfelt Thanksgiving. May it be filled with love and joy, and may you pass that love forward in all directions.
On this upcoming Thanksgiving holiday, I would like to personally extend my sincere thank you to each and everyone of you who have been a part of this spiritual grassroots effort known as the Awaken to One Alliance. Many heartfelt thanks to our current blog contributors Alex Marcoux and Hunt Henion for their thoughtful discourse and love centered messages of hope and enlightenment. We look forward to their continued contributions and to future contributors that will help to expand our spiritual horizons. Sincere thank you to our current and growing Ato1 allies who continue to provide important world-related topics, moral support and continued words of encouragement. Thank you for the many amazing lightworkers who have graced our pages with important spiritual content, helpful to all who investigate. It will continue to grow. Thank you to my expanding Twitter and Facebook friends. You never cease to amaze me with you insights and diverse information. Humble thanks to my wonderful family and friends who have provided me with so much love and enthusiastic support. You’re part of my eternal spiritual tribe : )
Most importantly…thank you, the many beautiful Souls that have been following our efforts for your support and words of encouragement. It means a lot. Thank you all for all that you do and for whom you are. Thank you for doing your part to make this world a better place. Thank you for recognizing that you are a part of the whole and for continuing to awaken to your true purpose with every passing day. As we grow, we will continue to provide you with thoughtful, thought provoking dialogue and spiritual insights to ponder and consider. But for now, I send you love and humbly wish you all a wonderful and heartfelt Thanksgiving. May it be filled with love and joy, and may you pass that love forward in all directions.