This past week, I listened with great interest to the NPR
featured series entitled Losing Our
Religion. I found it most intriguing,
in that during the course of the narrative it talked about how so many people in
America have moved away from their core religious beliefs into a more secular
space of either agnosticism
or atheism. What I found most interesting about the
series however, was in my view the glaring omission of one key aspect of this
incredibly important transitional process; that of moving through this pivotal phase
towards a potentially greater and more nuanced spirituality, while falling away
from outmoded, inflexible and dogmatic religious beliefs.
This omission intrigues me because from my own personal
perspective and experience, this transitional course is more a part of the
natural spiritual progression that most Souls are likely to take in their long-term
quest for true enlightenment. I believe this phase (and yes, from a reincarnational
Soul perspective I do consider it a phase) to be a kind of weigh station in the
ongoing movement towards Spiritual awareness and personal divine understanding.
Before something new can grow, something else must first fall away. I know in my own spiritual journey, I
transitioned multiple times from a number of religious and spiritual paths,
each time bringing me closer to a greater and more intimate relationship with
Divine Source. I would be remiss if I
didn’t state that this road has not been an easy one, and along the way I’ve had
to deal with some jarringly painful resets and reaffirmations in my spiritual
understanding and commitment to the ultimate search for truth. I am, however, undaunted in my quest and
commitment to finding my way back home, helping as many as I can along the way
awaken to their own true purpose and intention.
One key component of my personal steadfastness towards this
ultimate journey is an unflinching commitment to the seeking of truth wherever
I may find it. This outlook and
perspective is what I believe to be the only true way of Soul’s quest for genuine
enlightenment. It has served me well
these many years. While I would imagine
that most of you would also probably espouse to this aspirational metric of
truth, the reality is that it is a much trickier and fleeting application than
one might admit, fraught with deceptions and disappointments at every
turn. The fact of the matter is that
more people tend to fall into the category of “Gatekeepers” than Truth Seekers. What I mean by gatekeeper is a person who may
claim to seek ultimate truth, but will aggressively defend any challenge,
contradiction, or potential threat to their current belief system or
paradigm. There way is THE way. This individual will hold to their beliefs
with irrational steadfastness, regardless of any rational argument or
counterpoint that they may be confronted with.
A truth seeker in this same situation will be more apt to weigh all
aspects of an argument or thing (no matter how uncomfortable), determining what
works for them in their own personal quest for truth. This individual is likely to stay with a
belief system for a time, but may ultimately outgrow it, asking questions that
cannot be answered by their current paradigm, and move away to something that
is more nourishing and spiritually fulfilling for them. This is the way of the truth seeker. It can be a lonely road, but the goal
is ultimately why we exist.
Please understand that I am in no way standing in judgment
of anyone, far from it. Truth be told, there
were moments in my life when I was as strong a gatekeeper as there ever could be,
simultaneously believing that I was a truth seeker. But when old beliefs were challenged by new paradigms
that shook me to my core, I had to look at them squarely and determine if these
greater concepts were in alignment with my deeper spiritual (gut) instincts;
were they consistent with the nudge I was getting from my Higher Self? When the answer was ultimately yes, I had to move
on regardless of the cost. So I speak
from experience, having lived on both sides of this fence.
I believe that world religions are extremely important
portals and conduits for spiritual growth and education, but I also believe
that we as Soul, as enlightened beings re-awakening to our true origins, were
never meant to park forever in one belief system for life. I feel that Religions by their very nature have
some legitimate aspects of the truth, but no religion has all of the truth. They are a means to a greater end but not an
end in themselves. It is incumbent upon each
of us to do the personal work necessary to uncover the truth and reconnect the
many puzzle pieces that make up our truth. Ultimately, we come to a point in our own
spiritual evolution where we realize that WE are our own path to God.
This reality exists within the backdrop of an ongoing march
of Religious fundamentalism
throughout our world today. Religions
have in many ways been unfortunately co-opted by those who would manipulate and
change its original intentions into a toxic mix of selective truth coupled with
outrageous, irrational deception. This
irrational dogmatic thinking has resulted in justifications for the most horrific
acts of terrorism known to man, all under the guise of serving God. This must end, our lives depend on it.
Again, I cannot make this point plain enough; in the final
analysis, you are your own path to God.
You must find your truth and take your journey; the journey that was
meant for you. This is the same journey
that those we have historically considered to be Saints, Messiahs, and Prophets
have taken. Did they come to this earth in
search of the best religion? No. Did
they come to this earth to propagate a religion? No. They
came to this earth in search of ultimate truth, and in their Divine quest and
success became a light for others to follow.
This light was designed to help others find their own way, using these
Spiritual Masters and icons as archetypes (examples) to help show all of us the
way, not by worshipping them but by loving them and replicating (as best as
possible) what they did to personally find your own Divine light. We all have the same potential. We only need to exercise our inalienable
Spiritual rights. Hopefully we will all
take this journey, meeting up at some point along this golden road to share our
experiences. I look forward to seeing
you on that road and trading epic stories of our adventures together. Namaste.