The road is long, the curves constant and the bumps frequent. For many it’s a constant struggle to re-win
Heaven every single day, and not get pulled down by the negative consciousness
permeating our world. The constant state
of war and the threat of new conflicts, the ratcheting up of world and domestic
terrorist acts such as recent events in Newtown,
and most recently the Boston Marathon Bombings
have brought so many people to an appropriate state of collective outrage and anger
affirming “Enough is enough”. So much senseless
violence and a growing perception of escalating evil intention permeating this
world makes one shudder at prospects for our future. One may ask, where’s the good in this world…have
we all lost our way…why can’t people just get along?
Well for me, I’ve come to realize that while there indeed seems
to be so much darkness in this world along with a growing perception that our
future is looking ever more tenuous, I also recognize that there is a great
awakening and enlightenment taking place all around this world with every
waking moment. Those of us who have for
so long fought the good fight for personal and collective enlightenment should
not be disheartened, for the reality is that more and more people are waking up
to the realization of their true Divine origins and are taking up the Clarion
call for Oneness with all. These collective
Souls are the Golden Hearts that survive and thrive despite the Iron World in
which we currently live. These are the
conscious Angelic Humans, the Lighthouses that are shining their beacons strong
and wide for others to see and awaken within themselves. It is a viral, exponential awakening; it is a
growing world Spiritual trend that continues to move forward.
The negative intentions in this world only steel our lofty resolve
making us more vigilant in our quest for individual and collective
enlightenment. While each of us is ultimately
our own path to GodSource, the collective vibration of this world continues to
speed up as a result of this growth. Our
individual consciousness is helping to raise the collective consciousness. Our microcosmic upliftment is building upon
the macrocosm. The planet is vibrating
at a higher rate than it ever has, thanks to the internal frequency rise in collective
spiritual energy as a result of awakened Souls coming back online. We are growing in number and intention.
The many storms, trials and tribulations within this world
continue to be great, and the negative forces Hell-bent on malevolent intent
continue to try and escalate their heinous acts to shock and terrorize us into
a deeper state of fear and hopelessness.
But we will not be swayed. We are
strong, we are defiant, we are Divine, we are of GodSource, and we are ONE.
What we must continue to do is to live as conscious beacons
of love, light, and hope for those around us.
It’s not as much about the words that you might say or the
golden-tongued wisdom you might share, but the energy of love that you bring by
your mere presence to the space you occupy.
We who have awakened need to live as conscious beacons of love and
light. If you think this was needed
before, it is most certainly needed now.
We have the means, we have the ability.
We must continue to have the will.
Ours is of Divine origin, ours is of unlimited light. We are the beacons of love. If you are reading this then you also live
within this potentiality. Claim it,
become it, live as it. No fear, only
love. Keep the focus on Divine Source…”Seek Ye First the Kingdom of God.” This is the central focus and foundation. It has always been this way.
Live as a beacon of light – no ego, just a conscious
recognition of your true identity and the willingness to live within this
Divine space. Remember, GodSource cannot
do for you what it can only do through you.
You must be open to the energy, and live within this loving place
constantly. It’s not a long process, it only takes a
second to decide it and claim it. Open
your heart to it and let the love shine through you. Take in the breath of cosmic energy, exhale
the negative, reclaim your Divine right.
It is now your time to shine, to come online. Live your truth. Be one with God Source and live in love. Here now and always, Namaste.
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